Friday, November 19, 2021
How do we make it through having decentralized exponential tech.
— Daniel Schmachtenberger, "The Joe Rogan Experience #1736 - Tristan Harris & Daniel Schmachtenberger"
Thursday, November 18, 2021
And with an inverted demographic pyramid, so you've got a lot more older people, and then fewer middle age people and then eventually just very few youngsters, and this will necessarily lead to resources being applied to taking care of the elderly instead of advancing science or advancing civilization. I'm quite worried about that one, because I see no reversal of the trend.
— Elon Musk, "Elon Musk speaks on Starship and SpaceX at National Academies of Sciences and Engineering with QA"
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Indeed, Wilde thought that "a great deal of the curious effect that Maeterlinck produces" was due to the fact that French was not his first language. And he began to percieve that he might be able to achieve something similar. Freed from the demans of realistic dialogue, there was no reason why his own French would not be sufficient for the task. Oddities of expression would give a certain relief or color to the piece.
— Matthew Sturgis, Oscar Wilde
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Swept from desert burrows, hundreds, if not thousands, of scorpions skittered into villages, stinging at least 503 people.
— New York Times subheadline for "Plagues Strike Egypt: Sudden Floods, Then 4-Inch Scorpions Called Deathstalkers"
Monday, November 15, 2021
In many ways, you are already in the authoritarian state, you just don't know it. Many things happens today in US, is, can be compared Cultural Revolution in China.
— Ai Weiwei, The Firing Line with Margaret Hoover
Sunday, November 14, 2021
— Title of display case in Wenham Museum "A Boxed Assortment" exhibit
Saturday, November 13, 2021
A short story, after all, might count as part of the "more lasting work" that he so wanted to produce.
— Matthew Sturgis, Oscar Wilde
Friday, November 12, 2021
someone's facebook post from 2016 and Ed Ruscha's painting from 1976
— Caption to image comparision on @joey_llc's Instagram story
Thursday, November 11, 2021
Disappointing people makes me physically ill and I will work hard to avoid disappointing you. My mom loves me and in turn I strive to be a good son.
— Dillon Reisman, “Who are you? Why should I trust you?,” Analogue NFT,
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Where Wilde was greatly impressed by a sign hung up in Pap Wyman's saloon that read "Please do not shoot the pianist. He is doing his best." It was, he declared, "the only rational method of art criticism I have ever come across."
— Matthew Sturgis, Oscar Wilde
Tuesday, November 9, 2021
Adorned with ornamental braid fasteners.
— Definition of "befrogged"
Monday, November 8, 2021
But if you chain the pen, then you know you can touch it.
— Paul Ramírez Jonas
Sunday, November 7, 2021
They see what they've been told to see.
— Paul, Dune
Saturday, November 6, 2021
You should make a machine where you just put money in and it gives you a receipt.
— Lily
Friday, November 5, 2021
My god, it's weird to know as much as I know.
— Lily
Thursday, November 4, 2021
Wilde's Oxford notebooks show him experimenting with epigrammatic formulae, condensing his knowledge, making his ideas memorable... In conversation he began to play with paradox.
— Matthew Sturgis, Oscar Wilde
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
It has been won by both Matthew Arnold and Ruskin (as well as by many wholly forgotten young men).
— Matthew Sturgis, Oscar Wilde
Tuesday, November 2, 2021
I don't want us to be infatuated with a false sense of completeness.
— Kelsey*
Monday, November 1, 2021
Wilde admired his skill, but recognized the danger in such purely imitative work.
— Matthew Sturgis, Oscar Wilde
Sunday, October 31, 2021
“We are all projects of collective self-creation,” they write. “What if ... we ask how we came to be trapped in such tight conceptual shackles that we can no longer even imagine the possibility of reinventing ourselves?”
— Jennifer Schuessler, "What if Everything You Learned About Human History Is Wrong?," The New York Times